Subject: Re: Can't get Java to work w Konqueror
To: Dr R.S. Brooks <>
From: Nick Hudson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/10/2002 10:58:14
On Saturday 09 February 2002 11:17 pm, Dr R.S. Brooks wrote:
> I running NetBSD 1.5.2/i386. I've installed kde-2.1 and sun-jre-
> from the binary packages collection, linked /usr/pkg/java/jre/bin/java
> to /usr/pkg/bin/java so that Konqueror should be able to find it, and
> enabled Java for all URLs inside Konqueror. When I click on one of the
> applets at, the applet appears to download but then nothing
> happens.
Make sure that you've actually enabled java in konqeror. "Konqueror Browser"
-> "Java" tab -> Enable Globally and Use Security Manager: off