Subject: Getting KDM to finally work on NetBSD! No more XDM.
To: None <>
From: Sung N. Cho <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/10/2002 00:32:33
I've posted this back in November about getting KDE login manager, KDM to
work properly on NetBSD. Well, I finally got it working and no longer have
to rely on XDM which has many convenient "buttons" missing such as REBOOT,
Here's how to make KDM for KDE 2.2.x to work with X:
1) go to following directory
#cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm
2) create a directory named "Sessions"
#mkdir Sessions
3) create the executables in Sessions. In the directory
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Sessions, I've created KDE, Xsession, Failsafe, Default
Make sure all these (KDE, Xsession, Failsafe, Default) or whatever sessions
you want to add are executable!
To make them executable, do:
#chmod u+x KDE
#chmod u+x Xsession
you get the point.
Here are my sh scripts: You can use vi or whatever favorite editor to create
these sh scripts:
For KDE:
#! /bin/sh
export KDEDIR=/usr/X11R6
exec ${KDEDIR}/bin/startkde $@
For Xsession:
#! /bin/sh
exec /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession $@
For Failsafe:
exec /usr/X11R6/etc/gdm/Sessions/Xsession failsafe
For Default: (KDE is my default!)
#! /bin/sh
export KDEDIR=/usr/X11R6
exec ${KDEDIR}/bin/startkde $@
I hope this helps.
Yours sincerely,
Sung N. Cho,
Saturday, Feb. 10, 2002.
No, I can't use KDM. But I don't have to shut down NetBSD. From KDE, when I
click the LOGOUT button under the PADLOCK button, it kills X and I fall back
to the CLI. I can then SU to different user and call "startx" again. On
XFree86 version 4, though, every time I do that, the CLI characters get
dimmer and the point where eventually I must restart NetBSD so as
to read the CLI. Or...I may sometimes just type very carefully so as to make
no error while looking at a totally dimmed-out CLI.
Not the best, but beats a total reboot. I'll be following this thread in the
hopes that you locate a real solution.
Gan Starling
Kalamazoo MI
On Saturday 24 November 2001 04:12, you wrote:
> Hi,
> This is not netbsd specific problem but has anyone been able to run kdm
> from kde2.2.1 instead of xdm? Kdm runs but it doesn't seem to wanna let me
> into any X windows system such as kde itself. I'm stuck with using xdm for
> login manager but tired of having to shutdown the system from console as a
> root.
> Your help appreciated.
> Sung