Subject: Re: What's up with sup?
To: None <>
From: Tracy Nelson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/09/2002 19:57:16
From: "Tracy Nelson" <>
> I'm just trying to
> update pkgsrc using the system coll.list file (which I copied from
> /usr/share/examples/supfiles) from Would it help to try a
> different server (even though they're farther away)?
Well, I originally had all but the pkgsrc command commented out in my
coll.list file. I uncommented everything and ran it again and it seemed to
run. I haven't tried to run pkg_add on any of the new packages yet (sup
just finished), but I have files in my /usr/supfiles directory, and they
seem to be complete.
Thanks Manuel for all the help! If it hadn't been for you, I might have
given up on ever making this work.
-- Tracy Nelson