Subject: Re: POSIX semaphores and NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Eric Jacoboni <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/06/2002 12:32:06
>>>>> "Diana" == Diana Eichert <> writes:
Diana> This is a port of the POSIX semaphores from FreeBSD. It was
Diana> made for BSDI, but it should work .....
Thanks for the URL. It compiles and install ok on my NetBSD box,
but i can't use the libsem.a it create as it needs (among other stuff) a
pthread_testcancel() function that i don't have... (i'm using
unproven-threads package).
$ pgcc pingpong-sem.c
/usr/local/lib/libsem.a(uthread_sem.o): In function `sem_init':
/home/jaco/libsem/uthread_sem.c:72: undefined reference to `_threads_initialized'
/home/jaco/libsem/uthread_sem.c:73: undefined reference to `_thread_init'
/home/jaco/libsem/uthread_sem.c:73: undefined reference to `_thread_init_once'
/usr/local/lib/libsem.a(uthread_sem.o): In function `sem_wait':
/home/jaco/libsem/uthread_sem.c:183: undefined reference to `pthread_testcancel'
/home/jaco/libsem/uthread_sem.c:201: undefined reference to `pthread_testcancel'
pgcc is a frontend to gcc, giving it the right options to deal with
threads. It runs ok with unproven-threads.
Think i'm gonna install FreeBSD on my laptop and telnet it from my
desktop... Groumph.
Éric Jacoboni, né il y a 1316435085 secondes