Subject: Problems with dhclient and network services
To: NetBSD Help <>
From: Lars Kellogg-Stedman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/03/2002 14:25:18
I use DHCP to assign static addresses, as well as dynamic addresses, to
systems on my local network. This makes it easy to (re)install operating
systems or make global networking changes.
With my recent install of NetBSD, I've run into problems. I'm running the
courier imap server, and whenever dhclient needs to renew the DHCP lease,
it causes the imap server to stop acceping connections on the ethernt
interface (localhost connections still work, of course, because nothing
has happened to that interface).
What puzzles me here is that renewing an existing lease shouldn't cause
any changes to the interface unless one or more of the network parameters
have changed...and they haven't.
Any thoughts? I'm not really looking for a solution (there are several
obvious ones), as much as I'm looking for an explanation of what's going
-- Lars
Lars Kellogg-Stedman <>