Subject: Re: Amount of memory a user can use?
To: David S. <>
From: Paul Hoffman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/27/2002 16:08:03
At 3:49 PM -0800 1/27/02, David S. wrote:
>  > Hi again. I'm having a brain fart. Isn't there a way to set how much
>>  memory a user can use before their processes start getting starved?
>>  Nothing in /etc seems to be that setting, but I was sure that was
>>  something I had set in the past....
>See the man page for login.conf(5).

Thanks, that's it. I didn't find it because... there is no 
/etc/login.conf on my system. I guess it's optional (although the man 
page doesn't say that).

Next question: what does it look like? I remember that it's one of 
those obscure things like /etc/gettytab, but there is no example of 
what it should look like in the manual, nor is there one in 

All I want to do is say "for this user, let him use all the memory he 
wants". I don't want to restrict anyone else. I'm afraid from the 
description in the man file that, as soon as I create 
/etc/login.conf, I am going to have to specify it for all users, with 
a default and stuff.

I don't want to blow this because the machine is remote.

--Paul Hoffman