Subject: Re: Is netbsd fully multitasking environment?
To: None <,>
From: Sung N. Cho <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/26/2002 19:48:35
On Saturday 26 January 2002 10:28 pm, Peter Seebach wrote:
> In message <>, "Sung N. Cho" writes:
> >I like the netbsd's strong support for hardwares (even new laptops), full
> >user control over environment, good engineering of pkgsrc, uvm, etc which
> > are still lacking in other OS's. However, when I try to play even very
> > simple graphical displays (for example, enabling graphical displays in
> > xmms) NetBSD is very slow! The graphical displays of xmms is very slow!
> > In gnome, when I enable the esd meter on while playing xmms, everything
> > plays in slow motion. kde's mediaplayer, noatun gets choppy just playing
> > music. Is it the compatibility issue or do I need to tune my system?
> What's your display hardware? What version of X are you using? My first
> guess would be that your video hardware has a poor driver; if you're using
> XF86 3.x, I'd try 4.x.
> -s
The hardware is a generic laptop with 500Mhz Celeron, 128M RAM, 4.7G udma33,
ATI RagePro LT 8M RAM, 15.2" TFT XGA display. I originally posted this
because I didn't have problems with ESD meter and was able to enable the
graphical plugins in xmms without any slowness under Redhat 7.2 and FreeBSD
4.x. Other than this issue, I prefer NetBSD over both Redhat 7.2 and FreeBSD
4.x. (Infact, NetBSD 1.52ZA is the only OS on my laptop or at home for me!).
I've had too many hardware problems with FreeBSD. RedHat (Linux) has
excellent hardware support, equal in par with NetBSD for i386 but just seems
to be too centralized like windows. I'm just looking forward to 1.53 and lfs
file system.
Regarding the X, I am running Xfree86 4.2 (the latest!). Maybe I need to get
a videocard that's better supported under NetBSD version of Xfree86.
Yours sincerely,
Sung N. Cho,
Saturday, Jan. 26, 2002.