Subject: Re: OT: Wireless networking help
To: None <>
From: paul <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/26/2002 16:45:35
I did have some tier 1 support droid tell me that running NAT or
in anyway having more than one machine networked at one time was
"stealing bandwidth" but if you keep a cool head and get up to 2nd
or 3rd tier, you'll find it's no big deal. They don't care that
you run FreeBSD or whathaveyou: they do care if you run a spam
generator or newsserver.
Wolfgang Rupprecht wrote:
> (Andy R) writes:
>>I had that in mind, but I think it's a bit more
>>ominous than that. Everybody I called on the phone had
>>no idea what a TCP/IP network really was,
> When AT&T took over the network they took the opportunity to change
> all the agreements again by adding yet more things that one couldn't
> do. If you pieced all the restrictions together they appeared to be
> claiming that running NAT or any other daemons would constitute "theft
> of services". Then this following story hit and I a realized that
> "theft of service" has a very specific legal meaning.
> I really didn't want some AT&T goofball deciding to enforce their
> screwy "theft of service" definitions or worse try to confiscate my
> computers as "evidence" of sorts. ISP's are a dime a dozen. There is
> no need to do business with one that puts your computers and liberty
> at risk.
> -wolfgang