Subject: Re: OT: Wireless networking help
To: None <>
From: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/26/2002 16:10:01 (Andy R) writes:
> I had that in mind, but I think it's a bit more
> ominous than that. Everybody I called on the phone had
> no idea what a TCP/IP network really was, 

When AT&T took over the network they took the opportunity to change
all the agreements again by adding yet more things that one couldn't
do.  If you pieced all the restrictions together they appeared to be
claiming that running NAT or any other daemons would constitute "theft
of services".  Then this following story hit and I a realized that
"theft of service" has a very specific legal meaning.

I really didn't want some AT&T goofball deciding to enforce their
screwy "theft of service" definitions or worse try to confiscate my
computers as "evidence" of sorts.  ISP's are a dime a dozen.  There is
no need to do business with one that puts your computers and liberty
at risk.

       Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
Coming soon: GPS mapping tools for Open Systems.