Subject: Re: OT: Wireless networking help
To: Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. <>
From: Andy R <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/26/2002 13:03:09
--- "Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D." <> wrote:
> >I'll go ahead and tell everyone what they are doing
> to
> >me (and it may be no surprise). When I signed up,
> they
> >came out and hooked me up. I even installed Win98
> so
> >they wouldn't complain. So the clown comes in, sets
> up
> >my network settings and leaves. I take notes on
> what
> >he did, which was to set up my machine with a
> static
> >IP address and a DNS name (that still exists to
> this
> >day, nslookup confirms it). This "new" conversion
> crap
> >they are going through is all DHCP. So how do they
> >deal with me? They **DENY** I ever had a static IP
> >address!!! Can someone explain to me if there is
> any
> >way they can get away with that statement? The guy
> >that came over here NEVER set up my machine for
> >and when I ordered the service I made sure I'd get
> an
> >address, which they confirmed.
> >
> >It's so blatantly obvious that all an ISP wants you
> to
> >do is receive their spam and browse sites so you
> can
> >swipe your credit card through online stores.
> Anything
> >else you want to do is strictly DENIED.
> Just a note of caution: I don't know who said it,
> but "You should
> never attribute to mendacity what is sufficiently
> explained by
> stupidity!"
> Dan Killoran
I had that in mind, but I think it's a bit more
ominous than that. Everybody I called on the phone had
no idea what a TCP/IP network really was, so I went
down to the local Cox gestapo office. I asked to speak
to someone in their network support area. So two guys
come out. I handed them my network settings that THEY
mailed me that included a DNS name (that is still
valid) and an IP address. He handed it back to me,
looked me in the eye and said "That's not a static IP
address". Uhh, excuse me? How can you hand someone an
IP address, tell them to set their machine up to use
it, never ask them to change it, and then *NOT* call
it a static IP address?
Which is why I'm still looking for a class action
lawsuit. I have a call in with the state attorney
general already. It would be OK if they acknowledged
that I did have a static and they were moving away,
but they won't do that (probably to get out of
requiring me to pay less money or something).
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