Subject: Re: OT: Wireless networking help
To: Andy R <>
From: Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/26/2002 12:37:55
>I'll go ahead and tell everyone what they are doing to
>me (and it may be no surprise). When I signed up, they
>came out and hooked me up. I even installed Win98 so
>they wouldn't complain. So the clown comes in, sets up
>my network settings and leaves. I take notes on what
>he did, which was to set up my machine with a static
>IP address and a DNS name (that still exists to this
>day, nslookup confirms it). This "new" conversion crap
>they are going through is all DHCP. So how do they
>deal with me? They **DENY** I ever had a static IP
>address!!! Can someone explain to me if there is any
>way they can get away with that statement? The guy
>that came over here NEVER set up my machine for DHCP,
>and when I ordered the service I made sure I'd get an
>address, which they confirmed.
>It's so blatantly obvious that all an ISP wants you to
>do is receive their spam and browse sites so you can
>swipe your credit card through online stores. Anything
>else you want to do is strictly DENIED.
Just a note of caution: I don't know who said it, but "You should
never attribute to mendacity what is sufficiently explained by
Dan Killoran