Subject: Re: OT: Wireless networking help
To: Laine Stump <>
From: Andy R <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/26/2002 08:39:05
--- Laine Stump <> wrote:
> > This all came about because I'm being screwed
> royally
> > by Cox. If anyone wants to know details, or knows
> of a
> > class action lawsuit, please email me privately.
> They
> > are lying to me blatantly.
> Just wait. I'm expecting that the worst is yet to
> come. :-( I figure
> that within a year or two, all the low cost
> broadband connections
> will be using PPPoE (or something similar), handing
> out fake IPs (thus
> eliminating any possibility of incoming
> connections), and the TOS will
> make it illegal to connect a machine that is
> simultaneously connected
> to any other machine (although it will of course be
> impossible for
> them to prove this without physical access to your
> premises).
> But then I'm *just a bit* of a pessimist ( I sure
> hope I am anyway!)
> ;-)
Nah, you're probably right on.
I'll go ahead and tell everyone what they are doing to
me (and it may be no surprise). When I signed up, they
came out and hooked me up. I even installed Win98 so
they wouldn't complain. So the clown comes in, sets up
my network settings and leaves. I take notes on what
he did, which was to set up my machine with a static
IP address and a DNS name (that still exists to this
day, nslookup confirms it). This "new" conversion crap
they are going through is all DHCP. So how do they
deal with me? They **DENY** I ever had a static IP
address!!! Can someone explain to me if there is any
way they can get away with that statement? The guy
that came over here NEVER set up my machine for DHCP,
and when I ordered the service I made sure I'd get an
address, which they confirmed.
It's so blatantly obvious that all an ISP wants you to
do is receive their spam and browse sites so you can
swipe your credit card through online stores. Anything
else you want to do is strictly DENIED.
It's either going to get worse or it's going to get
better. Education of the casual web surfer can make
things better, so we'll see...
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