Subject: Re: Disk errors
To: None <>
From: Eric Jacoboni <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/22/2002 22:38:02
>>>>> "Matthias" == Matthias Buelow <> writes:
Matthias> Eric Jacoboni writes:
>> As NetBSD doesn't seem to allow such a tweak,
Matthias> bad144(8), badsect(8)
Oops... ;-)
Anyway, i'm not enough confident with disk internals to understand the
subtleties of these pages (i even don't understand how to run these
commands and what they're supposed to do for my situation)... In fact,
i don't want to search for bad sectors: i just want to mark as bad the
only one that make NetBSD complains (it's always the same):
wd1a: uncorrectable data error reading fsbn 997655 of 997648-997663
(wd1 bn 997718; cn 989 tn 12 sn 50)
I've downloaded the "Disk Diag" from Seagate but it's a rather curious
tool: it just says my disk is dead, without further explanations (and
i'm currently working on this disk. While it produces sometimes these
errors that slow down the system, it still works). Not found any
low-level formatter. I think i better have to save up some Euros to
buy another disk (but no more Seagate...).
Éric Jacoboni, né il y a 1315175269 secondes