Subject: Re: Would NetBSD run on IBM RISC System/6000 ?
To: D'Arcy J.M. Cain <>
From: Andy R <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/10/2002 06:29:53
--- "D'Arcy J.M. Cain" <> wrote:
> Of course, AIX might be the problem that he is
> trying to solve. We just
> bought a couple of RS6000 M80 systems to run our
> production database
> (PostgreSQL) and there turned out to be a problem.
> Something was
> causing the database to Kack and we could not
> recover. In fact we
> couldn't even kill the processes so that we could
> restart it. We wound
> up jumping to a PC running NetBSD in order to get
> through Christmas, our
> busiest time of the year. Unfortunately a PC is not
> going to be able
> to handle the volume by the time next Christmas
> rolls around so we need
> to get this or something else working by then. It
> sure would be nice
> to see NetBSD running on these.
You're in a tough spot there unless the Postgres team
was willing to work on bug fixes with you. Do you have
any AIX dump readers? IBM probably won't be much help
because they are so big on DB2...
> Me too. In fact...
> - Is there someplace we can throw money at to make
> this port happen?
Well, I see that IBM is one of the contributors to the
NetBSD project, but they are so in love with Linux
right now that they won't be much help. I'm sure there
are enough IBM'ers out there that have access to all
the doc they need to work on ports... There was a guy
in here that used to work for IBM that was talking
about running NetBSD on every machine he had including
> - What is the best choice for a NetBSD machine that
> can handle a lot
> of database transactions.
My "ignorant of the facts" answer would be alpha.
Those things just rock. It's too bad they got killed.
> Our other alternative is to switch to their database
> but I don't want
> to do that for two reasons. First, that takes away
> another thing that
> we have source for and therefor reduces our overall
> control of the app.
> Second, we are using a number of features in
> PostgreSQL and moving to
> something else means a bigger porting job.
> Naturally, if anyone else has seen and solved this
> PostgreSQL/AIX issue
> I would be happy to hear from you off list.
That would be a nice discussion to be a part of...
I'll try running Postgres on my AIX box and let you
know what happens...
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