Subject: Re: what's the secret to installing KDE2 on 1.5.2?
To: Linda Laubenheimer <>
From: Andy R <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/06/2002 18:51:25
--- Linda Laubenheimer <> wrote:
> b) install debian to make my roomie happy,
> or c)> order the Solaris
> for Intel disks and put that on it.
Double ACK!
> > I moved from linux to bsd to get away from RPM and
> it's poor attempt at
> > handling dependencies: annoying to get bitten by
> it here.
Give it time and keep submitting bug reports. The
package maintainers want it to work, I have first hand
experience with this. Although, it sure would be nice
to keep a set of binary packages known to work on the
ftp site...
> My roomie has been raving about debian's apt-get,
> and how good it
> is. If I decide to play with debian, I'll post a
> comparison.
But dontcha just feel the idealism creeping up on you
when you use it? Eek, I can't stand Debian... Then
again, I can't stand most linux installs (way too
spread out) which is why I use NetBSD. Apt-get is semi
nice, but stable is too old, testing sometimes hoses
your box, and untested almost always hoses your box
(in my experience). Pkgsrc is the best compromise in a
package manager I've yet found.
> Linda "Solaris was my first *nix" Laubenheimer
VAX/VMS here, but I didn't know it until months after
I started playing with it...
The eternal newbie,
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