Subject: Re: KDE2 options?
To: None <>
From: paul beard <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/05/2002 09:31:32
You asked for it ;-) I'll send the output of configure and make . . . .
but not to the list.
Nick Hudson wrote:
>On Friday 04 January 2002 8:04 pm, paul beard wrote:
>>the pkgsrc meta-pkg for KDE2 won't install due to some issues with QT. The
>>QT version specified is 2.3.1nb1 for which there is no package: the package
>>is 2.3.0 and will install just fine. 2.3.1nb1 fails to install due to some
>>issue with libtool trying to work with dynamic libs even though the config
>>specifies static libs. I can install individual pkgs for everything against
>>QT-2.3.0 but kdeutils, which is only available as source. It dies when
>>QT-2.3.1nb1 fails to install.
>The "static" thing is deliberate. As for why qt fails to build for you I'm
>afraid I can't tell from the information you've sent so far. Could you please
>send the first and last few lines of the qt build log.