Subject: Re: what's the secret to installing KDE2 on 1.5.2?
To: None <>
From: Linda Laubenheimer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/04/2002 22:40:36
Jan Schaumann wrote:
> Linda Laubenheimer <> wrote:
> > If your other user can get their mail in a terminal window,
> > that works. But I didn't have netscape installed yet - it
> > was waiting on KDE...
> Huh? Since when does netscape depend on KDE? Or did I misunderstand
> something? I just don't see the connection...
It doesn't. But I hadn't installed it yet, because I was still
fighting with KDE... and I didn't want to risk crashing the box
several hours into the compile by installing Netscrape at the
same time. Yeah, probably paranoia, but by that time I was a
little bit frazzled, a little bit sleep deprived, and a lot
I have seldom had to fight so much with any box as this one. I
am starting to call it Murphy!
Linda J Laubenheimer - UNIX Geek, Sysadmin, Bibliophile and Iconoclast - consultants available - personal demo site - web design gaffes (I wouldn't
disgrace a real ISP with these) and rants about bad design.