Subject: Re: help
To: None <>
From: Linda Laubenheimer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/03/2002 12:13:12
Herb Peyerl wrote:
> > >--
> > >Linda J Laubenheimer
> > >UNIX Geek, Sysadmin, Bibliophile and Iconoclast
> > > - consultants available
> > > - personal demo site
> > > - web design gaffes (I wouldn't
> > >disgrace a real ISP with these) and rants about bad design.
> Not to mention how commonly known it is that a sig should be 4 lines
> or less and you'd think someone as worldly wise as 'Linda' claims
> to be would know that.
Well, aren't you just special! We have twits asking for Win XP help,
posting in HTML, spewing lines of more than 80 characters, and
attaching 10 line or more .sigs, and you whine about my .sig at
6 lines!
Fine, smarty pants, I've added the space, and trimmed it to 5 lines.
If the last line gets trimmed by someone's mail/news reader (which is
why .sigs were developed) nothing vital is lost, but it is useful
data to include. FYI, when I post to usenet, my .sig is 4 lines.
However, I use an alias so you can't look it up.
> Now can we all finish with this and stop polluting the NetBSD lists with
> it?
All I did was have a sense of humor on a slow news day... sheeesh!
Linda "Astounded by Trivia" Laubenheimer
Linda J Laubenheimer - UNIX Geek, Sysadmin, Bibliophile and Iconoclast - consultants available - personal demo site - web design gaffes (I wouldn't
disgrace a real ISP with these) and rants about bad design.