Subject: Re: Dynamic configuration...
To: None <>
From: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/04/2001 07:28:08 (Manuel Bouyer) writes:
> And if there isn't much traffic on the network there could be long periods
> without arp packets.

Ah, but one can always try to invoke a bit of activity.  I'd ping all
the likely candidates along with some "sure to please" addresses
sprinkled in. eg:

        ping -c 1 

Then examine the ARP cache and see what one has caught. 

 A special-purpose ARP tool that just sent ARP requests for a bunch of
selected IP addresses might be a bit more gentle on the net, but hey,
whats a good hack if you can't cause a packet storm every now and
then? ;-)

       Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
Coming soon: GPS mapping tools for Open Systems.