Subject: Re: DNS (named) Config Files
To: Randy Beaudreault <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/25/2001 16:42:48
On Fri, Nov 23, 2001 at 07:31:59PM -0800, Randy Beaudreault wrote:
> That should have been caching-only server.

So I think the named.conf file provided with NetBSD works without changes.

In the options { } section you may want to add a forwarders line,
so that your cahing DNS asks your provider DNS before doing a full search
itself (this allows to benefit from the cache of the provider). Something like:
forwarders {;;};
(you have to adjust the IP addresses or course :)
You may also want to restrict recursion to local machine (to avoid attacks
based on nameserver cache poisoning). For this define an ACL for your local
IP addresses:
acl local {;;;

and then add a:
 allow-recursion {local;};
line to your options { } section.

Manuel Bouyer <>