Subject: Tar question
To: None <>
From: Andy R <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/06/2001 19:58:35
I have a few questions on using tar with a real live
tape drive (apparently these things do still exist!).
1. I use the -V option to write a volume label to the
tape so I can keep track of what's what without
messing with pens and pencils and REALLY antiquated
stuff like that. Problem is, there doesn't seem to be
an option to read ONLY the label. I have to do a tar t
and it shows me the entire contents of the tape. Is
there an option that just shows the volume label or am
I missing it?
2. Is the NetBSD version of tar going to continue
using the -use-compress-program option or is it going
to adopt the -y or -j (or whatever) FreeBSD uses to
filter through bzip2? I'm lazy, I know...
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