Subject: Re: How do I connect to my ISP via PPP?
To: beaker <>
From: Julian Coleman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/29/2001 15:41:05
> modem is on COM2 (=ttys1 ???)

Um i386?  Isn't that tty01?

>     connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/peers/'

> When I type "pppd call myisp" I get
> chat[338]: Failed
> pppd[336]: Connect script failed

You're using `chat -v`, so you should see the output from chat in the file
'/var/log/messages'.  Is there anything in there?  You can also send the
commands directly to the modem using (e.g.) `cu`.  Something like :

	cu -l /dev/tty01 dir
		(the modem should answer OK)
		(you should eventually get the 'CONNECT' string)

Use the sequence :


after pressing <return> to exit `cu`.


                    My other computer also runs NetBSD