Subject: Re: Help getting netatalk working
To: Michael G. Schabert <>
From: B. James Phillippe <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/22/2001 12:03:05
On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, Michael G. Schabert wrote:

> At 9:18 PM -0700 10/21/01, Shawn Dunn wrote:
> >offhand, (and this is coming from linux experience, and not *BSD),
> >I'd say you need to get into /etc/services, and add the ports and
> >protocols for appletalk.   the exact ports needed elude me at the
> >moment, but if I can find my notes, I'll post them here for you.
> Not likely. He installed UMICH NetAtalk, not Adrian Sun's...this
> means that it is AppleTalk only and doesn't do AFP-over-IP.
> I don't know what the problem is, though. What architecture is this
> on, and what Ethernet card? One possibility is that the Ethernet card
> doesn't support AppleTalk packets...or possibly the NetBSD driver for
> the card doesn't.

Hello Mike et al,

The system is NetBSD/alpha 1.5.2 using either de or tlp ethernet drivers to
drive a DEC 21143-based adapter.

Now for an update:

I am much closer to having a working netatalk setup, with some discoveries
and new setbacks to report.

First, I was using netatalk-umich which I finally got running after a clean
kernel recompile (bad dependencies I guess).  However, although the client
(a single iMac) was able to "see" the server in the Appletalk dialog and
authenticate as guest or a user, no volumes were visible.  No matter what I
tried (4 hours of effort!) the client could not see any volumes.  The logs
on the server indicated connections being made, and the client would indeed
list the server name in the neighborhood, but was otherwise unable to
access any files or volumes.

Finally I removed -umich and installed -asun, and voila, the client is now
able to see volumes as guest or as a user.

Enter stumbling block #2... :-(   The client is able to "mount" the Appletalk
volumes that I specify, and read/write files with ease.  However, creation
of a directory yields a "you don't have sufficient access priviledges"
error on the client and a "afpd[xx]: setdirmode: chmod .AppleDouble:
Operation not permitted" error in the log on the server.  Files within a
folder are not copied unless copied after the folder has been created in
the volume.

I did a Net search and low-and-behold, this problem is shared by dozens
(hundreds?) of netatalk users since about 1998 with no solution that I
could find.  I am using a "guest" account of "macuser", with a group of
"macuser" that contains the "macuser" user.  All files in the share are
owner macuser.macuser, and afpd is running with "-g macuser".  The same
problem happens when I log in as a registered user, or regardless of which
user/group settings I try for the guest account.

I am next going to try the latest netatalk I could find, netatalk-1.5pre8,
but there is no NetBSD package for this and I have to install about 15MB
worth of autoconf/p5/perl packages just to build it.  I'll try this tonight
and report back if it works, but I'm rather surprised there is not a
package on that would already address this problem.

# bryan at terran dot org                      Support the American Red Cross