Subject: Re: Newlines
To: None <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/19/2001 23:38:18
>>On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Randy Beaudreault wrote:
>> > I'm messing with my prompt on my firewall/router. I have my set
>>> prompt in .cshrc as this: set prompt = "-- $cwd --\n${mch:q}: {\!} ".
>>> How do I get this to put a line feed or carriage return in place of
>>> the '\n'?
>>Put in a real line:
>>% set prompt = "-- $cwd -- \
>> {\!} "
>>-- /home/reed --
>> {11}
>Didn't work. Any other recommendations?
Are you using csh or tcsh as your shell? If not, then your shell
isn't checking .cshrc for the environment.
Also, the only reason that you can hit "return" is because there are
openquotes there without the matching close (until the 2nd line). If
you don't use the quotes, then it will consider the return to be the
end of the prompt. It works from the command line...let me chek it
from a file...yup, worked fine for me...I use tcsh. You may want to
make sure that, if you appended that to the bottom of your .cshrc,
that there is another return after it...i.e. have a blank last line
in the file.
Just a thought,
Bikers don't *DO* taglines.