Subject: Cannot ftp because of "user not allowed"
To: None <>
From: Alex Sorg <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/27/2001 10:03:33

When I try to ftp to my NetBSD-1.5.X Box as a normal user acces is
denied with "530 User alex may not use FTP."
This user is in /etc/ftpusers. Same behavior with "* allow" in there.
The version of ftpd is 20010627.
File date and rights:
     # ll ftpd
     -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  91712 Jul 25 23:14 ftpd

I upgraded my system by hand because I needed isdn. Maybe I overlooked

Any hints?

Thanks in advance,

ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI