Subject: Re: how to change pre-login message?
To: Will Roberts <>
From: Martin Weber <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/06/2001 08:31:36
HF> Besides the "im" field in /etc/gettytab, there's also the "if" field.
HF> Put in something like :if=/etc/issue: and then you can change the text
HF> in that file as you like. (Dunno why we don't ship with this setting
HF> per default...)

WR> The use of "if=" to reference a text file seems to be a nice solution
WR> to inserting specific text, especially if coupled with the use of the
WR> many other possible parameters.

Only problem I see in using the if field is that man gettytab somehow lets 
you think you cannot use the '%' escape sequences there. (Haven't tried yet)

"The initial message, and login message, im and lm may include any of the 
following character sequences, which expand to information about the 
environment in which getty(8) is running [...]"

Martin Weber