Subject: Re: ethernet
To: =?X-UNKNOWN?Q?yuksel_em=FDnoglu?= <>
From: Jon Lindgren <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/31/2001 10:54:32
On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, yuksel em=FDnoglu wrote:

>   Hello;
> Can I ask you is there a default name for ethernet (for example in linux=
> eth?) I found 3 names for it lo?,ex?,ne?
> is there a diffeerent between them ? can somebody tell me ?

Unlike linux, where you have eth0, eth1, eth2... in NetBSD network
interfaces are named by their type: ex0 is a 3COM card, ne0 is usually an
NE2000 based card, and lo0 is the loopback interface.

Use 'ifconfig -l' to list the interfaces on your system.  'ifconfig -a'
will show you detailed info about all interfaces, whereas 'ifconfig ex0'
will show you info about the specified interface.

'man ne' and 'man ex' will give you info about the drivers, what types of
cards they support, etc.

'ifconfig -m ex0' will show you what type of media (i.e. 10BaseT,
100BaseTX, etc...) the driver/card supports.  Again, 'man ifconfig' will
give you a wealth of info.

Hope this helps,

"The problem is that it was devised by a bunch of hippie anarchists
 who didn't have a strong profit motive." - Unnamed evil person