Subject: Re: find question
To: None <>
From: Georges Heinesch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/08/2001 17:32:55
Quoting collver (06-Jun-01 14:53:54):
>>>> 2) What _is_ the wrong way to burn a CD on NetBSD? The right way?
>>>Wrong: linkcount of 2 when the directory is not empty.
>>>Right: 2 possibilities:
>>> 1. the correct linkcount, which is not supported AFAIK by
>>> ISO 9660.
>>> 2. linkcount 1
>> Now if you record a directory entry with a linkcount of 2 in its
>> Rock Ridge extension despite the fact that this directory does have
>> subdirectories, you loose.
> I am curious which software made a rockridge-extended iso9660
> filesystem that gave the root directory a linkcount of 2 despite the
> presence of subdirectories.
It's the latest version of MakeCD (Amiga).
> Was it cdrecord or something else? What arguments were given? It
> would be interesting to duplicate and track down this problem.
The main author of the program is informed (and on holiday). His GUI
programmer said that it's probably an "bug".
Cu Georges Heinesch, Luxembourg
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