Subject: Re: IPFilter licensing...?
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/30/2001 16:57:44
I have a fairly easy question: Once permission is granted to
redistribute, does that mean that redistribution of the
redistributions are then allowed from then on? I mean this in regards
to the NetBSD kernel specifically--the BSD-Style license says I can do
whatever I damn well want with the code covered--does this mean that a
significant portion of the NetBSD kernel is and always was a part of
this license? What was the agreement with Darren about this--surely
the whole point was to maintain code integrity and save Darren the
headache of dealing with morons coming to him with problems that other
people introduced to his code..?

So I suppose the question boils down to: What *should* I be doing with
my "proprietary" version of the NetBSD kernel that I've already sold
to customers and am supporting independently?

Thanks for a wonderful project, Darren et al., but a clarification
beyond (an admittedly amusing) ten-syllable quip I think is what
people are asking for. =] And hey, if you don't feel like answering,
that's fine--I'm sure you've got your own problems to deal with now
that Slashdot is portraying you guys in its typical holier-than-thou
