Subject: Re: using rsh: "stty: TIOCGETD: Operation not supported"
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/20/2001 09:42:48
On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 05:22:05PM -0700, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> > rainier:~$ rsh localhost ls /
> > stty: TIOCGETD: Operation not supported
> I suspect you have a stty in your .cshrc.
> You should run it only for interactive shells, e.g. something like:
> if ($?prompt) then
> stty foo
> endif
Okay, I got rid of that message by checking for PS1 before using stty (in
my .bashrc).
rainier:~$ rsh localhost ls -l /netbsd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 2604113 Apr 7 21:30 /netbsd
No more stty message.
> Actually rsh did connect, and the error message was not from rsh itself
> but from the shell it started to exec the command.
But I still don't understand why it connected and executed the command
(when rlogind isn't running).
My other email (I sent today) shows the examples.
Jeremy C. Reed