Subject: pkg_add problems
To: None <>
From: Ian Goldby <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/30/2001 21:28:23
I'm getting intermittent problems with pkg_add - in that sometimes it
works, and sometimes it doesn't. Here's a typical output of a time it
didn't work:
# pkg_add
env PKG_PATH=''
pkg_add: nothing appropriate found
pkg_add: nothing appropriate found
pkg_add: unpackURL: verificatinon expandURL failed,
Error on
0.10.35nb1.t[bg]z', '/var/tmp/instmp.00572d')
pkg_add: nothing appropriate found
pkg_add: unpackURL: verificatinon expandURL failed,
Error on
0.10.35nb1.t[bg]z', '/var/tmp/instmp.00572f')
I haven't yet found anything that is definitely different between the
times that it works and the times that it doesn't. It did work early
this morning (8.15am GMT), but just now (9.00pm GMT) it is failing. One
possibility is that it is more likely to fail at times of high server
load. It is possible that it is more likely to work properly with
packages that have fewer dependencies, but I haven't installed enough
to be sure of this.
By the way, it takes several minutes from the initial pkg_add command
before the first 'nothing appropriate found' error message comes up.
Has anyone else had errors like this? Is it me, the package system, or
the server?