Subject: Re: display color
To: Ryan Low <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/13/2001 19:12:01
On Tue, 13 Mar 2001, Ryan Low wrote:
> Hi all. Simple question. How can I change the
> foreground/background color of text on the terminal?
You could use a VT100 control sequence. Such as:
echo ^[[31m # press ctrl-V followed by Escape, then "[31m"
32 is green, 34 is blue, 33 is an ugly yellow.
> Not the kernel output, just plain ol' writing on the
> virtual terminals(a unique color for each would be
> nice). Thanks for the help!
I am not sure of the correct way to do this. The gettytab man page doesn't
mention color. But maybe you could use /etc/ttyaction to run some scripts
to set up each virtual terminal.
I am guessing there are vt100 control commands to set the bold and other
characteristics for future use.
Hope this helps (or at least gives you some ideas).
Jeremy C. Reed