Subject: Re: using grub to boot netbsd
To: None <>
From: Frank Lingott <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/11/2001 17:34:11

thanks to all who answered me.
But it does not really help me.

>      Hi,
>Did you try to boot netbsd with the netbsd bootloader itself?
>/usr/mdec ?
>I used it always until now and works fine.
>What probs do you experience?

No,i didn´t.The problem is that the system doesn´t come up after install.
It blocks the computer.Netbsd is on the second disk,after install the system 
reboots,the hd-controller lists the first disk and that´s all.There is no way to
boot a floppy.I had to connect the second disk instead of the first disk on 
the controller to make a bios-hd-format.This was the only was to make it
work again.Strange,isn´t it?

But for some mysterious reason an old linux-kernel 2.0.35 and it´s lilo
on the first disk works well.
Yes,i know it is not the real thing.The firewall and NAT capabilities are 
very limited.
I have also tried to run openbsd 2.7,it crashes during install.No way to
make it work.

Can anyone help or should i look for better hardware ?


"No one said it would be easy"