Subject: Re: ARP problem
To: Tyler Mitchell <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/11/2001 15:18:35
On Sun, Mar 11, 2001 at 06:13:29AM -0000, Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> This isn't really a "problem" as such, just a nuisance. For
> some time now, I have had a computer running NetBSD, acting as a
> firewall/NAT. I recently began receiving messages such as:
> Mar 9 15:18:53 ffpl-gw /netbsd: 10:00:5a:ba:bb:66 on ne1 tried
> to overwrite arp info for on lo0
> Mar 9 15:21:08 ffpl-gw last message repeated 5 times
> Mar 9 15:38:53 ffpl-gw last message repeated 12 times
> "ne1" is the NIC that connects to our upstream provider. I
> assume that there is a computer over there (a switch or router
> maybe) that is broadcasting ARP entries. Here is my ifconfig:
Well, it seems that someone on your upstream provider network has a strange
network config (maybe it connected the modem to a HUB instead to directly
to a host, and has both private network and provider network on this
hub). You could try to see which IP has 10:00:5a:ba:bb:66 with 'arp -a'.
I'm not sure how to stop this, this would require filtering at ethernet level
rather than IP level; something that we can't do yet.
Manuel Bouyer <>