Subject: netboot kernel
To: netbsd-help <>
From: Matt Herzog <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/23/2001 12:59:30
> This one is no trouble at all. Place the ramdisk kernel at the root of
> your nfs mountpoint, named netbsd. This ramdisk kernel contains the
> /dev entries and install tools. The bootloader should just load this
> kernel and immediately start the install tools.
What file should I use? The netbsd.ram.aout.gz would seem to be the
likely candidate since I have a Sparc10 client. Does it need renaming?
Does it need to be gunzipped? I gunzipped it and renamed it netbsd and
put it inside:
When I attempt to boot it, the bootloader complains,
netbsd: Inappropriate file type or format
Matthew Herzog Unix Administrator Powered by NetBSD