Subject: Re: FTP
To: LeRoy C. Miller III <>
From: Mipam <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/05/2001 09:30:56
On Sun, Feb 04, 2001 at 12:35:18PM -0500, LeRoy C. Miller III wrote:
> I have a windows machine setup behind my ipf/ipnat, I have a class that
> requires I use norton textra / (an english paper writing program)
> which uses FTP, but doesn't support passive FTP :(
> I need to somehow set it up, so the windows box can use this program with
> nat/ipf, I had the bright idea of somehow setting up ipf/ipnat so that any
> connection from nortons ftp, would be forwarded to the win box (just from that
> IP) on the normal 20/21 port, but couldn't figure out how this ruleset should
> be setup, if even possible, without distrubing traffic from any other site.
Active ftp and ipf/ipnat have been discussed much on the ipf list
but also a nice section can be found on the ipf site itself.
Check it out there how to resolve the matter with active ftp.
No additional ipf rules are needed for your situation is concerning a client.
For ipnat you got to add the proxy port ftp rule before all other ipnat rules.
How it helps,