Subject: Re: How to Boot NetBSD
To: Petros Sidiropoulos <>
From: Rakhesh Sasidharan <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/29/2001 01:17:31
On Sat, 27 Jan 2001, Petros Sidiropoulos wrote:
> That's not help me much I tried to install Bootselector but a fatal error
> occure. The only think I want is to have a BOOT FLOPPY from which i could
> boot NetBSD, I don't want to change the mbr cause i met a lot of problem to
> achive my computer to boot windows,Solaris, Linux, Hurd.
If the only thing you want is a boot disk, I suppose it should be
available at the NetBSD ftp site, or on the CD or whatever you installed
NetBSD from. I don't remember the location on the NetBSD site, but it
should be something like
After that, if you want a multi-booter thingy, you could use GRUB (must
have, already, since you have GNU/HURD installed).
Hope that helps.
Rakhesh Sasidharan