Subject: Re: ArcNet and NetBSD/i386
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Nigel Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/28/2001 01:23:28
I meant to say something on this. According to an update I saw,
ARCnet was added at 0.9, but I've not actually seen any
documentation on this. I've not used ARCnet since the early
90's. I didn't think it was still used!
On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 12:14:34AM -0600, Richard Rauch wrote:
> Since no one else has answered, I thought that I'd say SOMETHING.
> The short answer is: I don't know, but there is some hope.
> The long answer is:
> There appears to be support for Arcnet in
> /usr/src/sys/net/if_arc{.h,subr.c}. (This is from a perusal of the
> sources for 1.5, released this past December.)
> I cannot see any clear config option in the GENERIC config, however, to
> enable or disable it. I cannot find a man-page offhand for it. The files
> seem to be approximately one year old, indicating recent, but not current,
> changes. Looking at the supported hardware NetBSD page (I assume that the
> arcnet cards you have are ISA?), I see nothing that proclaims itself to be
> an arcnet card. You might browse some of the supported hardware pages,
> yourself, if you know the name of the card(s) that you are concerned
> about, and what bus they use:
> Have you tried running NetBSD on a machine with an Arcnet interface on it?
> If so, look at the output of dmesg (/sbin/dmesg | more) to see if it looks
> like the system is able to find your arcnet card. Also, which version of
> NetBSD are you using?
> Good luck.
> "I probably don't know what I'm talking about."