Subject: Re: backscrolling on virtual consoles
To: Andrew Brown <>
From: Nigel Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/23/2001 12:29:06
I have a KVM switch and the hotkey is activated by pressing
scroll lock twice. Therefore if I want to page up, I have to
be sure not to toggle too quick.
Hopefully someone will have the foresight to add something so that
the "toggle" key can easly be changed since, for me, scrollback
might as well not even be there.
And who said "Scroll lock has already been coded into FreeBSD" or
something like that - I thought NetBSD was its own beast, since
when has NetBSD answered to FreeBSD? What is the advantage to
using NetBSD if we just take FreeBSD and add it in? I'm sure
that there is more to it than that, enlighten me someone.
On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 12:52:22PM -0500, Andrew Brown wrote:
> >> Ick. That's a really un-natural position - I hope it'll be
> >> easy enough to change. Every program I've ever used which allows
> >> scrolling has either used shift or ctrl and page up/down.
> >
> >There's really nothing unnatural :) SLOCK and PGUP/DN are really close,
> >and CTRL+PGUP/DN might be used for something else. I prefere the
> >scroll-lock solution
> *yours* might be. mine aren't. my laptop activates scroll-lock by me
> pressing fn-f10 (which is almost two handed), and the pgup/pgdn keys
> are at the right edge of the keyboard.
> of course...since i don't have a *right* control key, using
> crtl-pgup/pgdn is even worse. :-/
> --
> |-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|
> * "ah! i see you have the internet
> (Andrew Brown) that goes *ping*!"
> * "information is power -- share the wealth."