Subject: Re: Labelling a disk
To: None <>
From: Brett Lymn <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/22/2001 16:47:35
According to Arto Huusko:
>Yes, well, would that be a bad thing? If I enter the data to disklabel
>as NetBSD reads it, will writing the disklabel harm Windows?
``possibly'' you must be prepared for this otherwise much pain,
wailing and gnashing of teeth results due to loss of data. More
explicitly, before doing any playing with disklabels BACK YOUR DATA UP
otherwise you may lose it.
>put out a simple question: can I write the disklabel to the wd0
>without losing any actual data/accesibilty on wd0?
If you are really really careful. In NetBSD try running fdisk on wd0,
this will tell you the sector offsets and sizes of the fdisk
partitions on the disk. Use those numbers in a "disklabel -e" session
to set up the other partitions in the disk label.
Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, BAE SYSTEMS