Subject: User may not use FTP
To: None <>
From: Paul A Parkanzky <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/21/2001 16:39:15
 Hey, I was browsing the the netbsd-help archives and it looked like this
question was never answered, sorry if this reply is redundant.  

 The problem is that in 1.5 ftpd uses certain password databases in /etc
in order to authenticate users.  The pwd_mkdb command will make these
databases for you.  Just make sure master.passwd is up to date and run
"pwd_mkdb master.passwd" as root, and it will automatically make the user
database and put it in /etc. This confused me for atleast a week after I
first installed 1.5, heh...



>as I just noticed, ftp settings seem to have changed from 1.4.2 to 

>When I try to log in on my machine I always get the message "User 
>chris may not use FTP." In /etc/ftpusers I got "* allow" and the 
>usual exceptions.

>Why does ftpd refuse access to this user, and how to change this 
