Subject: Labelling a disk
To: None <>
From: Arto Huusko <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/21/2001 13:55:25
I've got NetBSD 1.5 on an i386 system. I've got two IDE hard drives,
wd1 is dedicated to NetBSD and wd0 hosts currently Win98 and other
I'd like to install disklabel for wd0 so that I could actually use
it on the NetBSD side, too. Given my understanding of the disklabel
man page I said:
disklabel -i -I wd0
And set up the partition table in the way NetBSD had read it from
the hard drive.
Then I press 'W' to write the data, and I get:
Erase the previous contents of the disk [n]:
What the hell is this? Can't I install the disklabel on the disk
anymore without losing all the data? Or is it just asking about
erasing the old partition *table* or whatever the Windows
equivalent of disk labels is. What am I to do?
Arto Huusko -- WWW:
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