Subject: Re: Last one, I promise...
To: Nathan Arthur <>
From: Dave Huang <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/17/2001 21:25:24
On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Nathan Arthur wrote:
> I discovered that it does seem to only be a problem with
>, and with my current set of ipf rules, an
> occasional packet from them does get blocked. However, I turned off
> ipf (ipf -Fa -FS), and continued to have
> problems. And either way, the ipfstat problem has me baffled.
The netstat problem? (I don't remember you mentioning any ipfstat
problem in your original message). The "netstat: kvm_read: Bad address"
message usually means that while netstat was busy (usually busy trying
to map an IP address to a name), the next connection it was about to
display has already closed and gone away, so it can't get info on it
anymore. It's a fairly common occurence, and nothing to worry about.
I'm getting timeouts trying to do a reverse lookup of's IP ( also, so I think there's
something wrong with someone's nameserver(s)., in
particular, doesn't seem to be answering DNS requests.
Name: Dave Huang | Mammal, mammal / their names are called /
INet: | they raise a paw / the bat, the cat /
FurryMUCK: Dahan | dolphin and dog / koala bear and hog -- TMBG
Dahan: Hani G Y+C 25 Y++ L+++ W- C++ T++ A+ E+ S++ V++ F- Q+++ P+ B+ PA+ PL++