Subject: accessing ext2fs?
To: None <>
From: Mason Loring Bliss <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/14/2001 00:56:56
From the www list - thanks in advance if someone can provide an answer.
----- Forwarded message from "L. Kelly Burson" <> -----
I need to mount a second scsi drive (sd1) that is dedicated
to linux (ext2fs) how do I go about this...
I could make a NetBSD slice in a part of the swap and access
it that way, but I was hoping there was a better way.
could you please forward my message to the correct list
(i was unable to subscibe to netbsd-help)
----- End forwarded message -----
Mason Loring Bliss (( "In the drowsy dark cave of the mind dreams )) build their nest with fragments dropped (( from day's caravan." - Rabindranath Tagore