Subject: Re: can't ping other segments on same lan
To: Henry Nelson <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/10/2001 20:06:43
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 02:55:42PM +0900, Henry Nelson wrote:
> What does one need to do to be able to reach (ping) machines on
> segments other than the one you are on?  I recently discovered that
> I can ping the outside world, but I can't ping hosts on other
> segments.  Specifically, I can ping anything on the outside world,
> and I can ping from my NetBSD machine,
> but I can't ping or, which are just
> upstairs from me.  

If you can ping the outside it's that you have a default route.
It's possible that your default router sends you ICMP redirect messages
that you're ignoring. Check with tcpdump while trying to ping a machine
from another segment.

> I tried setting ``routed=YES routed_flags="-q"'' in "/etc/rc.conf"
> and rebooting, but that didn't change anything.  Do I need to set the
> routes statically somehow with the "route" command?

Quite possible. routed will change something if routers announce their routes.
You need to know the IP of the router for the different segments and add
static route.

More details on your network topology would help :)

Manuel Bouyer <>