Subject: IP distribution across multiple NICs
To: None <>
From: tester 777 <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/10/2001 11:50:56
i'm hosting some heavily accessed content over a lan under netbsd1.5 i386.
only about 60 megs of data so i've made it all memory resident to up
peformance, but my nic is hitting its 11 to 12 megabyte/sec limit though the
CPU isn't maxing out. i've heard of binding an ip to multiple mac addys
before (at the OS level) but have no idea if and how this may be
accomplished under netbsd. i don't have the need or net topo or money to
dive into gigabit yet so i'm looking for a fast ethernet-based solution.
ideally, i would hope to be able to distribute the load of a single IP
across multiple nics. (i have 3 intelpro 100b already installed and
configured with 3 ips [fxp0, 1, and 2 respectively]). i'm hoping for a
solution that would symmetrically distribute load evenly between all
installed nics so i might even maintain nice latency before i hit 300mbit in
active load (obviously i would become CPU/bus limited long before this
as a secondary concern, it would also be nice to associate more than one IP
with a *single* nic for hosting multiple-domain content (though i know the
nature of the TCP/IP protocal might make this difficult). To really go
wild, it would be incredibly powerful to combine these two attributes (5 ips
evenly distributed across 3 nics for example).
if anyone has seen documentation or knows of a way to execute anything i've
mentioned, i'd sure like to hear from you.
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