Subject: Re: vi and Latin1
To: Wolfgang Helbig <helbig@Informatik.BA-Stuttgart.DE>
From: Marc Baudoin <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/07/2001 14:33:17
Wolfgang Helbig <helbig@Informatik.BA-Stuttgart.DE> écrit :
> How do I make vi print ä instead of \xe4?

Put something like that in your ~/.nexrc:

set print=éèêëàâîïùûôçÉÈÊËÀÂÎÏÙÛÔÇüÜ«»°

with the list of characters you want to print as themselves (this
is my list for French, German should be quite different).

If someone has a better solution, I'd be happy to hear about it.

> Or how do I set LC_TYPE to something that handles all printable
> Latin1 characters as printable?

Locale support is not yet included in NetBSD (or so I think).
Itojun has made a bunch of commits about that a few days ago and
it will hopefully show up in 1.6.