Subject: Re: newbie CD install of netbsd 1.5 on i386
To: tester 777 <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/06/2001 21:07:51
On Sun, 7 Jan 2001, tester 777 wrote:
> # mkdir /cd
> # mount -t iso9660 /dev/cd0a /cd
> mount: mount_iso9660 not found for /cd
> ---------------------------------
> i've also tried variants on /cd (cd0, cd0a, etc)
Sorry, I was asleep at the wheel. It's "mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0a /cd".
I make that mistake all the time. :-\
> i know that everything must be mounted before use, but is it customary for
> every CD install to ctrl-z out of sysinst to mount the cdrom from which
> sysinst originally loaded? no trouble installing freebsd4 with identical
> hardware configuration (p2 deschutes 350, 256mb pc100, onboard QDI IDE
> controller, 9.1gb seagate IDE hdd, 40x atapi cdrom)
"Install from CDROM" should mount the CD automatically. When you said
you had trouble installing *packages*, I thought you were talking
about the third-pary software collection. I should have read more carefully.
> does the above mount error imply that my cdrom is not going to work with the
> generic kernel or am i missing a step? i wish i could just do ftp install,
> but i'm on dial-up. :-(
The other thing you said, that there's no ^cd in /kern/msgbuf, is the
serious problem. That sounds like a support issue for NetBSD.
Here's an idea... Make a small ffs partition, use the FreeBSD
installer to copy the sets to it, and then "Install from unmounted
file-system" with NetBSD sysinstall. For NetBSD, you don't need to hit
ctrl-z, by the way: there's an "escape to shell" under the utility
menu; "ctl-d" or "exit" puts you back into sysinstall. I'm not at all
familiar with FreeBSD's installer, though.