Subject: Re: newbie CD install of netbsd 1.5 on i386
To: Robert Lundkvist <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/06/2001 14:12:32
On Sat, 6 Jan 2001, Robert Lundkvist wrote:
> I had the same problem with netbsd 1.4.2 and solved it simply
> by using a netbsd 1.4.1 install floppy.
Oops. I misread at first. I thought tester was talking about
installing package system *packages*. To use the 1.4.1 floppy to
install 1.5 is not ideal, as the list of obsolete files to remove
would be wrong, among other things.
> tester 777 wrote:
> > binaries, sysinstall does not seem to recognize "cd0" as my cd drive.
> >
> > i've tried setting device to cd0a, cd0a1, cd1, cd1a, etc. none of those
> > points sysinstall to the cddrive. i looked through /kern/msgbuf there's no
> > "cd" string in there of anykind. is this normal? the drive must be detected
> > because all of this is booting from cd.
Not necessarily. The booter uses the BIOS; the kernel doesn't. If the
INSTALL kernels don't see your CD drive, you'll need to find some
other method to read the sets, like serve over ftp from another
computer, or copy the sets into an msdos partition (with another OS,