Subject: Re: vga and textmode
To: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Florian_St=F6hr?= <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/02/2001 20:14:52
On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 04:32:26PM +0100, Florian Stöhr wrote:
> hi,
> when x-server shuts down, it doesn't restore the VGA palette for
> textmode correct. so when i run X once, everything gets a bit darken.
> after the second session, i see black characters on a black background.
> since i don't want to su and reboot "blind" or via telnet every two
> sessions: is there any command to force the OS to reload the pallete
> info from the adapter ROM?
I don't think so :(
> in former times on DOS i used debug with a simple MOV AX,3 INT 10, but
> i don't want to try this with NetBSD...
There would need to be some support in the kernel for that.
It can already use the BIOS for a few things (like apm) so maybe it's easy
to add. Also, X drivers like the S3 savage, can also call the adapter's
BIOS ...
Manuel Bouyer <>